Providing Best In Class Driving Lessons for more than 32 years!
Serving Bucks County & Montgomery County, Pa.

Licensed in PA


Classes for Parallel

Parking & City Driving!

Lessons that are Affordable
with Classes you need.

We offer better value for teen drivers. Our instruction packages are accompanied by feedback and practice tests, and then we attend your driving test with you. We provide the same car as you used for learning, so you don’t need to drive an unfamiliar vehicle.

Parallel Parking

Most drivers are concerned with failing their driving test because of parallel parking. There is a reliable way to becoming an excellent parallel parking driver. It’s simple geometry and using the proper checklist. We take you on the road to put theory to practice. We demonstrate precise parallel parking then work with you until you are confident and comfortable with the process. It’s not rocket science, but you do need the right system in order to mitigate a parallel parking maneuver.

Highway & City Lessons

Crowded cities and highways can be especially daunting for new drivers. Multi-lane Highways, and extremely busy on/off ramps can be difficult to navigate for any
new or even experienced driver. We build good driving patterns that create safer roads and better driving experiences.

Learn how to identify common driving pitfalls. Build a driving system that ensures you are on the road longer, without incidents. Keep your bumpers shiny and your license free from infractions by driving properly.

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